"The Jerome Bixby Reader - From the Golden Age of Science Fiction" (Nook / ePub Edition) - Preview Available

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These short stories are from
The Golden Age of Science Fiction
and were written by Jerome  Bixby

This collection includes:

Our Town
Little Boy
The Draw
The Slizzers
The God Plllnk
The Holes Around Mars
Where There's Hope

Jerome Bixby was the editor of Planet Stories from Summer 1950 to July 1951, Jungle Stories from Fall 1949 to Spring 1951 (a magazine which featured stories of Tarzan-imitation Ki-Gor and, briefly, Sheena, Queen of the Jungle), Action Stories from Fall 1949 to Fall 1950, and founding editor of Two Complete Science-Adventure Books (from Winter 1950 to July 1951) and of Two Western Romances from Summer 1950 to Summer 1951 (by which time it was retitled 2 Western-Action Books). All these titles were published by Fiction House, which also published corresponding comic books for which Bixby also wrote and edited.

His best-known television works include four original Star Trek episodes, including 1967's "Mirror, Mirror", which introduced the franchise's concept of the "Mirror Universe"; and 1969's "Requiem for Methuselah", about "Flint", a 6,000-year-old man.