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"Men Like Gods"
"My Antonia"
"Nature take her course"
"The Dark Frigate" is a good story
"The Enchanted April" Elizabeth von Arnim (Kindle Edition)
"The Girl From Hollywood
"The Undying Fire". this later book stands emphatically
--The Bookman
. in her most irresponsible moments
. not through the single avenue
. of a tricksy fate
... Hollywood!
...As for plot
.in language with which prctition ers
1849-1850. Minnie runs a bar for the miners
A charming love story
a deal of wit
a diabolical plot
a good evening's entertainment
a lonely winter
a mining village in northern England
a minister's widow
a mood of mournful disenchantment
a most versatile and unusual writer
a pretty love story brings
a queer but not unlovable blend
a real "thriller"
a real person
a remarkable addition
a simple solitary girl
A story of adventure in Africa
A stranger
a woman to remember
accomplishes nothing
according to the ways of human beings
accused of the brutal murder
Adam Larey has to fight
adventured with pirates
Adventures as many
after her father dies of tuberculosis
after many hazards
After several days of futile endeavor
against human enemies
against the backdrop of the French Revolution
against the parching heat of the desert
against too much fear
all others by reason of its theme
all that helps to spell tragedy
all villains meet their just reward!
also “Scaramouche”
Always his protest
Among other things
among Puritans and cavaliers
and a full busy life annong her husband's parishioners
and as forbidding
and at last
and caring for their spiritual welfare
and centers around a charming little French girl
and conceives a dislike for him
and departed for the Barbados
and exceedingly well worked out
and finally becomes a Carmelite nun
and find rejuvenation in the tranquil beauty
and for nearly fifty years "rover of the outer seas") attempts to find refuge in an isolated farmhouse (Escampobar) on the Giens Peninsula near Hyères
and fought for the King
and in control of the holiday
and increasing interest
and is emotionally closed-off
and it is Lord Coombe
and later for her social isolation
and lost a great inheritance
and mild enough not to startle the timid
and of revengeful cruelty
and of the injustice of English law
and others of the romances
and points out the pathos of her position with the fervor of the propagandist. Then—he pushes her deeper into the mire and tells her to stay there
and proprietary instincts
and put his feet to the floor
and refusing the armistice
and regards herself as the hostess
and resting his elbows on the sill
and sunshine on the fells in March
and the first UK book edition was by Odhams Ltd.
and the French-English rivalry
and the robber is dragged into the bar.
and tornado
and turning back into the room
and unearthed the little box
and was bred a sailor
and we are especially grateful
and we have read worse
and what the mind does to protect itself
and what effect
and what happened to the man
and what will you get?
and with more than one ghost
and yet un-Dickens-like scene
and “The Sea-Hawk"
Andy MacLeod
Ann conceives the idea
Ann's mother
Anna Katharine Green
Anne of "Green Gables series"
another type of womanhood
are at least sincere
arrives and tells Rance
as an evening pastime
as companion to the of dowager Duchess of Darte
as even the most exacting lover
as I am that I sit here today in my study
as if she were his wife
as it is lived
at Newbury
at old Mrs. Perch's deathbed
at the castle
author's philosophic observances
because of its open debate on sex
before he rescues his girl-cousin
began the slow process of dressing
begins on a farm near Monte Carlo
being the growth of the city
Boston Transcript
burned in Cairo
burning incense to her brother in law
but arouses his sensual passion
but as Pirandello points out
but came home to England
but eventually come together
but his affections are not returned
but Lloyd Pryor
but she preserves for a long time
But the climax is all to the good
but the heroine is winningly
But the story tells all
but they found another assailant
but through various paths
but you will not willingly
by curious chance
by Gabolau and Anna Katharine Green
by Hulbert Footner
by Joseph Conrad
by precipitating a lock out
by sea and land
by which information which should have gone
called by various names
called Progress
certain that she is an unfit mother
chronicling the reader
Colonel Holles a man to admire
could be lived
country western
cracked his fingers
dash obediently into affairs
despite its brazen absurdities
develops a vocation for the contemplative life
Dick Johnson (Ramerrez in disguise) enters
dismisses the servants
dispenser of certified culture
distilled so that the whole
do his duty?
Don Joaquin
Dr. Lavendar forces her to give up her son
Dr. Lavendarwho is Helena's true husband dies
Edgar Rice Burroughs
elfin ears
Emily is described as having black hair
Emily Starr
Enid Royce
enjoy modern improvements
Everywhere we are subtly impressed
facing south
fells is scientific
find happy scope in the sketch of Mariquita's father
first for Donal's sudden removal
first from the horde of detectives
fit for the centuries
follows with tense
fond of supping full on horrors
For a number of weeks
for a reputation
for a while in Australia
for having chosen the real murderer
for he feels
for him an accepted article of faith
for its cynicism
for its immorality
for man's "taking hold"
For some minutes he leant thus
for some mysterious reason
for the underlying idea is true
for while other writers deal with Life
forcible possession of her home
found her a delightful lady
from bonded New York warehouses
from the first. --The Unitarian
from the other end of the line
from the path already trodden smooth
from the wild tribe
gazed into the distance
Gladys Farmer
gold-rush fever
H. G. Wells' latest novel
half Puritan
half Spaniard
happened to Montgomery herself
has many hairbreadth escapes
Has she found the right answer?
has the invaluable privilege
He adds
He and Minnie recognize each other
he believes he has committed
He dragged himself to the window
he plays a man's part
he treats her
Helena agrees
Helena confesses to the minister
Helena pleads her case and fights for her maternal rights
her "lost lady"
her actual relationship with Pryor
her embarrassing secret
her latest venture is closely akin
her life will not be submerged
her spiteful campaigns
Herbert Jenkins has been urged
here at her first party
High Street of Tilling
highly proper lady
his decision to go back
his gloomy face did not reflect the brightness of the day
His preachment is always
how a nephew was born to her
Hutchinson has deep insight
I was as positive that the other end
I was awakened by the sound of the instrument.
if man would but "take hold"
if one happens to be unfortunate
If Winter Comes
in 1922. Small
in 1923
in a neo-Elizabethan village
in an out-of-the-way country-house
in four installments
in his battles
in his death; young Perch expresses it
in his ideas about chess
in his invention of Gumbril's Patent Small-Clothes
in his new preface
in his past reading
in London
in New York
In scale and method
in that strange Dickens-like
in the Emily series
in the end
in the French republican navy
in the Mediterranean
in the narrative of adventure
in The Popular Magazine
In the present story
In the primeval African setting
in the same ship
in the south of France
In the working out of this plot
In this Zane Grey novel
in which he had long before
in which many of the scenes occur
in which the English hero
include every one from a duke
increase his income
into the soul of woman
irresistible urge towards the Divine
is against accepted conventions and traditions
is disposed of!
is diverted into hostile channels
is most gratifying to those who read
is no disappointment
is paying for the gay little household
it had upon her outlook
it has greater artistry
It is a complete and significant action
It is a story of high courage
It is all very exciting
It is ghastly enough to satisfy the reader
It is known that Lord Coombe
It is neither "novelette"
It is the breaking point
it narrates how Mrs. Bindle caught a chill
it taking precedence over
It tells how Pen Broome
It was first published in 1923
Its plot is ingenious
Its theme is fear
John Ayscough's shrewdness and charity
Jul 20-Sep 7
just as Mattia Pascal seems
Kindle Edition
known to themselves as "The Naked Men of Old England"
Lady Tybar feels it
lay it down until it is finished
Lee discovers happiness with Janet
Lee's plans to marry Madame Zatianny
Leonard and Maurice dance to their piper's tune
life is absurd
Like its predecessor
literary merit Buchan has proved himself
little and big
lives whose self-sacrifice
looking for a drink
Major Flint and Captain Puffin
make snowbirds of all the beautiful girl-Mertons
man should work
Many and thrilling are their adventures
Margaret Deland
Maurice Nugent awoke to sunshine
may brim without overflowing
Maynard & Company
Miss Mapp
MISS CATHER has made
mix into it love
Montgomery considered Emily
Most righteous!
mothering them
motionless; then abruptly he drew himself up
Mr. David Garnett's exquisite " Lady into Fox"
Mr. Hearty
Mr. Hutchinson approaches the mystery
Mr. Sabatini is a wonder-worker
Mr. Tebrick is out walking
Mr. Tebrick shoots his two dogs
Mrs. Fisher is a pompous
Mrs. Forrester
much to the Sheriff’s annoyance
Murder comes
mysterious Russian woman
Napoleon's rise to power
nature will endure it no longer
near his vicarage
No living writer today
nor did repeated attempts
nor full-length novel
nor had his movements the alacrity proper
not only in this story but
not to be resisted by anything
now tired of Helena
observations from her roof. with a pair of binoculars
occupy a place so prominent
of a friend; how she saved him
of a notorious bandit
of an old woman
Of Carolyn Wells's detective stories
of dispensing with that idiotic verisimilitude
of her very human self
of its sparkling potency
of King Charles
of our lives
of romance could desire—whose
of skinflint and hidalgo. There is a fine eulogy
of social right and wrong
of that little cable
of the bitterness of social ostracism
of the English countryside
of the wonderful awakening
of their surroundings
of whom he has a dream
of women's lives—self-sacrificing
of writing her mother's life
old in a vivacious style
Old Mr. Fargus expresses it in his life
old Mrs. Perch expresses it
on a ranch in Western America
on his sixteenth birthday
on the eve of the war
on the one hand
on the universal tragedy
one looks for thrilling adventures
or that of an average probability
pale skin and a unique and enchanting "slow" smile.
Part of the plot is in Russia
Part of the plot is laid in London
Peyrol is a master-gunner
Pile suffering on suffering
plot revolves around Maclean's endeavors
possesses a so powerful and colorful an imagination aa Mr. Burroughs
private rules of conduct
protruded through the surface of the inner world
proved him to have been the victim
pry into every sort of place
published the first US book edition
purply violet eyes
Queen Lucia
Queen of a salon anacronisms
Ramshackle House
rather than embracing the present
rather than the appearance
rediscovering hope and love
refuses to marry her
reinforced Huxley's reputation as an iconoclast
rejoicing in the unabashed
relativity of business morals
renewed success with “The Step on the Stair”
Robin somehow holds him responsible
Ronald's mother
round Ramshackle House
Sabatini an author to read
saved her lover
searching for him in the woods
seems to be truth
settles down to a curious partnership
she always feels a little disappointed
she and the stranger dance together. The capture of one of Ramerrez’s accomplices is announced
she encountered a bull
she forged the chain of evidence
She grows up determined
she has “read her book at one sitting — couldn't let it alone”
She is determined to make her own living
She is shown as breaking a strike
She lives in our favorite American city - Buffalo
she meets Donal again
she not only fails
she prefers to live in her memories of times past
she says
She says that when anyone tells her
she turns into a small red fox
She will be self-reliant
Sheriff Jack Rance is in love with Minnie
shortly before the murder?
Similar to her earlier
six miles from the station
so good that it could wellhave been twice as long
solidity to withstand time
some of the events which occur
spiritual as well as physical
Spooky Hollow in no way deviates
stirring adventure
stopping at nothing
stretched himself
sublimates still
subservience to men
succeed in winning a response
success achieved by Bindle
take the consequences of the crime
Tarzan rescues a lion cub
than the personality of Anne
that have made his literary fame
that he is following the trail
that man shall not stand idly
that never appears quite serious
that was offered
the aid given him by Midwinter
The Awakening of Helena Richie
the Bog-Blitters
The book was condemned
the contemplative life in this novel
The Deaves Affair
the Emily novels depicted life
the emotions
The four women experience interpersonal tensions
the fustian of he artificial archaism
the ill-natured and inquisitive
The incidents and characters are few
the instrument was quiet
the leader of that curious brotherhood
the Left-Handed
The mind goes shut
The miners are gathered playing cards
The most important book of the year is
The novel was banned
The novel was originally serialised
The Owl Taxi
The Rover is the last complete novel
the Spoonbills
The story ends with his finding the girl
the story follows one Theodore Gumbril
The story inculcates the lesson
The story of Philip Marsham
the story somewhat resembles
The story takes place
the suspense of Greenmantle
the Wells Fargo Agent
Thea Kronborg
their rescues and escapes
their devastating career to a close
their experiences
there is a moment in which even the wife of Tarzan is doubted
there is one which sounds absurd
There is romance a plenty
they both express it
thinks and acts
this and more
This book is the result
this conqueror
This tale is wholly unlike anything else
thlives are primarily important and influential
Those houses were of a big-walled
threw open the casement
through the eyes of a young orphan girl
thru love of her son
thwarted when one of her former admirers reveals
to make Miss Sylvia
to a celebration
to a labor agitator of international reputation
to a quiet settlement
to an entirely new conception
to be a character much closer to her
to get her release
to her gallery of feminine portraits
to him for sparing us
to insure her prestige
To keep her from moping
to raise Pellucidar
to the half-ruined chateau of an ex-German baron
to the Prince
to those mystery plays which at present
to uncover the plot
to which Art believes itself in duty bound to defer
to write giving Mrs. Bindle's point of view
towards women
trains it to become his companion and friend
Treachery and theft are in the plot too
trouble on trouble
trousers which contain a pneumatic cushion in the seat
twenty-five years ago
unless it be Rider Haggard
Until the growth came they were indomitable
upon the contemporary stage
upon the part of our telegrapher
used to a large family
Very well; take that idea
virility of passions
Volume 102
Volume 58
Wanderer of the Wasteland
was discontentedly facing
was rare enough to make the morning notable But as he turned over on his bed
was to have to fight
we had begun to despair
we have read better ones
We met her on her last trip to New York City
Wells deals with Life as it might be lived
when about midnight of the fourth day
when Ashby
when his arrest proved inevitable
when recounted for bare details
when to be a “play actress"
When we reached the spot
Where movie directors
Where the liquor stolen
where the sunbeams gleamed upon water
whereupon Aliette and Ronald run away
which in love or in war
which is a book
who dies twice
who endeavoured to take
who held all England in their grasp?
who is raised by her relatives
who knew many Victorian luminaries
who lived in the time
who runs away from home
who secures a place for her
Who was the mysterious blackmailer
whose mother has been killed
whose queen she has become
whose Tarzan tales have won him a distinct place in the world of books
Why didn't the famous detective
Why was Stella Nelson with the victim in the middle of the night
with a dash of Indian blood
with a delicate savor for quiet tastes
with Ann and a faithful old servant only
with his fox
with his young wife
with indomitable courage and resource
with no old-fashioned ideas
with no superabundance of detail
with the immense and secret significance
with two young Englishmen
without hesitation he considers it God's purpose
written between 1921 and 1922
yet lives
yet she lived in an age
Yet this story of a man
You may not be quite sure
Your critic takes credit
“I like to take my time over it.”
“The Breaking Point" is Mrs. Rinehart's attempt to answer that question
“The Breaking Point" is the best novel of Mary Roberts Rinehart
“The Leavenworth Case”
“When I like a book”
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"Fortune's Fool" by Rafael Sabatini (Kindle Edition) - Preview Available
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