Date with the Angels
A Day at the Track
An episode of the short-lived 1957-1958 sitcom "Date with the Angels", starring Betty White. In this episode, Vickie and Gus visit the local race-track, and hilarity ensues.
Chip Off the Old Block
An episode of "Date with the Angels", starring Betty White. In this episode, Gus wants to surprise Vickie for her birthday, but troubles ensue.
Shall We Dance
An episode of the 1957-1958 TV sitcom "Date with the Angels", starring Betty White. In this episode, Gus & Vicki decide to hold a small party, but problems ensue.
Pike's Pique
An episode of the 1957-1958 TV sitcom "Date with the Angels", starring Betty White. This is the closest the show ever got to an "episode about nothing"...
The Blue Tie
An episode of the US sitcom "Date with the Angels". The show, which starred Betty White, was, and unbelievably, not a hit! In this episode, Vicki is asked to briefly hold a job, and fails at it.