This Mp4 contains 20 Betty Boop cartoons (over 2 hours worth) and a built in chapter mark at the beginning of each cartoon, so you can effortlessly scroll to the starting point of either the next or previous cartoon by simply clicking the advance or back button on your multimedia player.
This Collection Includes:
00:00:00 The Betty Boop Limited
00:06:35 Dizzy Dishes
00:12:44 Making Stars
00:19:19 The Candid Candidate
00:25:26 Betty Boop w. Popeye the Sailor
00:33:01 Bety Boop's Little Pal
00:39:33 Be Human
00:46:00 Betty in Blunderland
00:52:36 Musical Mountaineers
00:58:45 Betty Boop for President
01:05:15 More Pep
01:10:50 Scared Crows
01:16:46 Training Pigeons
01:23:15 Crazy Town
01:30:12 Stopping the Show
01:38:05 Ha! Ha! Ha!
01:44:30 I Heard
,...The thing about the Betty Boop Cartoons is that Betty never adhered to a certain something, each time she had a different occupation or was surrounded by a different environment, yet she was dependably the 'Boop Oop a Doop' young lady.