MISS CATHER has made a remarkable addition to her gallery of feminine portraits, Thea Kronborg, Antonia, Enid Royce, Gladys Farmer. Mrs. Forrester, her "lost lady," sublimates still another type of womanhood. In scale and method the story somewhat resembles "My Antonia." It is neither "novelette" nor full-length novel. It is a complete and significant action distilled so that the whole of its sparkling potency may brim without overflowing the small crystal vessel of its form. Another point of similarity is that here, as in "My Antonia," the central figure is seen through the eyes of a male who stands rather wistfully outside the sphere of her most intimate and intense experience. And, not to carry the analogy too far, we may note that Mrs. Forrester and Antonia represent opposite or complementary types, the woman who excites and delights, and the one who warms and sustains
--The Independent, Volume 111