"This Freedom" by A. S. M. Hutchinson (Kindle Edition) - Preview Available

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"This Freedom" presents a character-study of a girl whose outlook on life is the result of her early environment A thoughtful, observant child (of a weary, incompetent, disheartened mother—who is the embodiment of futile self-sacrifice) she grows to regard men as lords of creation, but despises them. She grows up determined that her life will not be submerged in subservience to men. She will be self-reliant self-respecting, non-parasitic.

The early part of the book is replete with the author's philosophic observances on the universal tragedy of women's lives—self-sacrificing lives whose self-sacrifice accomplishes nothing. He has deep insight into the soul of woman and points out the pathos of her position with the fervor of the propagandist. Then—he pushes her deeper into the mire and tells her to stay there.